Student Resources
Resources are provided by Kingsborough Community College to help aid students. Food Resouces: https://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/arc/additional.html Food resources are accessible to...
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2018 #RealCollege Survey
An elaborate survey was prepared by the Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice at Temple University regarding students...
114,000 Students in N.Y.C. Are Homeless. These Two Let Us Into Their Lives.
“The number of school-age children in New York City who live in shelters or “doubled up” in apartments with...
Homeless Student Population Growing in New York City Public Schools!
“The number of students in the city’s public schools who lived for some part of the school year in...
Homeless in College: Resources and Scholarships Listed
Among the many groups of students who struggle for access to higher education in the United States are the...
Number of Homeless Students Rises to 1.5 Million (Highest Number in 12 Years)!
“The National Center for Homeless Education released a report several days ago that found that more than 1.5 million...
Thousands of CUNY students experience homelessness and food insecurity, report says
Students at the City University of New York are often homeless and have trouble finding food, according to a...